Study of the properties of residual sludge from the La Inagua quarry as alternatives for its use


  • Yanisleydis Mosqueda-Rodríguez Universidad de Moa
  • Yaritza Cabrales-Caplé Universidad de Moa


Waste, sludge reuse, aggregate quarries, construction materials


The sludge from the La Inagua aggregates processing plant in Guantánamo province was characterized to determine alternative uses. Its essential characteristics and properties were determined through chemical tests, physical tests and granulometric analysis. It was obtained that the residual sludge from this aggregate plant can be used as raw material for the production of lime, cement and neutralizer in the nickel industry and as raw material in various applications in the construction materials industry. It was evidenced that the use of residual sludge from the La Inagua aggregates processing plant can constitute an alternative to mitigate the negative impact that it causes on the environment and the ecosystem of the region.


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How to Cite

Mosqueda-Rodríguez, Y., & Cabrales-Caplé, Y. (2023). Study of the properties of residual sludge from the La Inagua quarry as alternatives for its use. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(2), 166–182. Retrieved from



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