Web application for contract management in the Nickel Engineering and Projects Company


  • Deysi T. Suris Batista Empresa de Computación, Comunicación y Electrónica (Serconi)
  • Harold Vázquez López Universidad de Moa
  • Andier Samiñón Durán Universidad de Moa
  • Liz M. Suris Batista Universidad de Moa


computer application, contract management, information management, programming language


A Web Application was implemented for contract management in the Nickel Engineering and Projects Company (Ceproníquel) of Moa. For the implementation of the system, the Xampp package formed by the Apache web server was used and MySQL was used as the Database manager. The CASE (DBDesigner) and Visual Paradigm tools were used. The visual interface was developed with the Drupal CMS (Content Management System) using PHP, HTML and JavaScript as programming languages. As a result of the research, a product was obtained that meets the requirements set by the client, providing a faster and more efficient execution of the process and allowing greater reliability and speed in obtaining the information associated with the contracts.


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Author Biography

Deysi T. Suris Batista, Empresa de Computación, Comunicación y Electrónica (Serconi)



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How to Cite

Suris Batista, D. T., Vázquez López, H., Samiñón Durán, A., & Suris Batista, L. M. (2023). Web application for contract management in the Nickel Engineering and Projects Company. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(3), 455–467. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2369



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