Computer application to avoid volumetric defects in castings due to inadequate feeding systems


  • Alejandro Fernández Peña Universidad de Moa
  • Alejandro Matos Pérez Universidad de Moa
  • Omar Medina Cano Universidad de Moa
  • Ramón Renato Rodríguez Rodríguez Universidad de Moa


alloys, computer tool, metal casting, Lagrange numerical interpolation method


For calculating dimensions of the feeding system for casting design technology and avoid volumetric defects by the incorrect selection of dimensions on feeding systems, a computer software was developed. The sum of the feeder areas was determined, taking into account the weight of the liquid metal flowing through the feeding system, the pouring time, the specific pouring speed, and the correlation coefficient over the thickness of the part walls, as well as, the interpolation of second degree Lagrange. The results of the computer application were compared with technologies already implemented, yielding an absolute error of 2 %. Taking into account that the results are within the minimum permissible range.


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How to Cite

Fernández Peña, A., Matos Pérez, A., Medina Cano, O., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, R. R. (2023). Computer application to avoid volumetric defects in castings due to inadequate feeding systems. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(4), 640–652. Retrieved from



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