The influence of precipitation on soil moisture at the Ferronickel Mining plant S.A


  • Mandela D. Christian Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


pluviometry, precipitation, soil, Ferronickel Mining plant S.A.


The objective of this investigation is to assess the effect ofprecipitation patterns on soil moisture in the Mining Ferronickel plant area toestablish the basis for pre-drying treatment methods to be used in the industrialprocess. To achieve this, a temporal statistical study was carried out based onthe determination of seasonal nature using additive method. This method isbased on a 21-year series of rainfalls measured by using 5 rain gauges in thelocalized area of study and an analysis of variance using the simpledetermination method. This provides an accurate determination of wet and dryperiods in the locality. This allows establishing the relation between rainfallindexes with soil moisture.


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Author Biography

Mandela D. Christian, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Departamento de Geología


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How to Cite

Christian, M. D. (2011). The influence of precipitation on soil moisture at the Ferronickel Mining plant S.A. Ciencia & Futuro, 1(2), 37–46. Retrieved from



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