Spheroidal Graphite Iron Production Technology by the method of dynamic discharge


  • Víctor M. Arévalo-Suárez Universidad de Holguín


spheroidal graphite iron, dynamic discharge, Iron and Steel Casting Plant.


This work presents an analysis of the historical background of spheroidal graphite iron production and the reasons of being unable to attain a stable production in the country. As part of the research, a new technology to produce spheroidal graphite iron is developed by using a new dynamic method under the specific operating conditions of the steel-iron casting plant in Holguin in a competitive and sustainable manner. This innovation was awarded the “Innovador 8 de Octubre” distinction and it is in the process of being patented.


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Author Biography

Víctor M. Arévalo-Suárez, Universidad de Holguín

Ingeniería Mecánica


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SÁNCHEZ, R. P. 2009: Tecnología para la manufactura competitiva de fundidos de aleaciones de Cobre. En: IV Conferencia Científica. CD–ROOM. ISBN-978-959-161010-2.



How to Cite

Arévalo-Suárez, V. M. (2011). Spheroidal Graphite Iron Production Technology by the method of dynamic discharge. Ciencia & Futuro, 1(3), 9–19. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/288



Ciencia Universitaria