System of educational activities for families having children with Down Syndrome


  • Jeidi Salazar-García Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Down syndrome, early childhood, psycho-motor functions


The development of psycho-motor functions is of a great importancein the evolution of human beings. It is vital for children with Down syndrome toget stimulation early in life and in this sense the search for alternative optionsand methods contributing to stimulation constitutes a pressing challenge foreducators. This work designs a system of educational activities aimed atdeveloping psycho-motor functions in children with Down syndrome in earlychildhood. The tests were put together with the family members of thesechildren, with previous notification of consent and determined selection criteria.Theoretical and empirical methods were used; which recommends theapplication of didactic and emotionally engaging methods in the preparation ofthe activities; which will contribute to achieving the proposed objectives.


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Author Biography

Jeidi Salazar-García, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico



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How to Cite

Salazar-García, J. (2011). System of educational activities for families having children with Down Syndrome. Ciencia & Futuro, 1(4), 63–72. Retrieved from