Centrifugal Pump Shaft Failure Caused by Wear in the Packing Area Cienfuegos Power Station. Failure Analysis and Solution


  • Adrián Bernal-Leyva Universidad de Cienfuegos


Cienfuegos Power Stattion, centrifugal pump shaft, wear, failure


This work presents the application of a new method for the calculation of centrifugal pump shafts based angle rigidity of supporting roller bearings and packing as supplementary elastic supports in the calculations completed for repair of an alumina sulfate pump operated for pumping water demineralization at the Cienfuegos Power Station “Carlos M. de Céspedes”. Failure of this pump was caused by shaft wear in the area of packing after over two decades in operation. To restore the pump, it was required to manufacture a new casing of the same stainless steel the shaft was made of. The casing was attached to the contact area between the shaft and the packing. The shear stress in the packing and the bending moment for the shaft in this area were calculated by using the abovementioned methodology and the corresponding resistance testing was carried out.


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Author Biography

Adrián Bernal-Leyva, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Ingeniería Mecánica


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How to Cite

Bernal-Leyva, A. (2012). Centrifugal Pump Shaft Failure Caused by Wear in the Packing Area Cienfuegos Power Station. Failure Analysis and Solution. Ciencia & Futuro, 2(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/621



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