Management diagnostic and training program in cuban organizations


  • José E. Rodrigo-Mastrapa Universidad de Holguín


Training program, Cuban organizations, management training.


The process of management training is fundamental for the Cuban economy and society. This investigation is aimed at designing and implementing a procedure to complete a diagnosis and training program; which contribute to solving the inadequacies of the management training process; thereby improving indicators and resolving the problems identified in the organizations that have been audited. An analysis was completed based on available documentary sources on this process; such as interviews, group dynamics and reviews of documentation. Various approaches and theoretical procedures were analyzed as well as the precepts and indications of the Work System with State Cadres and the Strategy for the Formation and Training of the Cadres of the Government and their replacements as approved in July 2010 in its fourth issue. The work carried out can be used as a procedure to be implemented for the introduction, generalization and improvement of the organizational management.


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Author Biography

José E. Rodrigo-Mastrapa, Universidad de Holguín

Ingeniería Industrial


MARRERO, C. 2002: Diseño de una tecnología integral para la gestión de la formación en las instalaciones hoteleras. Aplicación en la cadena Islazul de la región oriental de Cuba. Tesis Doctoral. ISPJAE, La Habana.



How to Cite

Rodrigo-Mastrapa, J. E. (2012). Management diagnostic and training program in cuban organizations. Ciencia & Futuro, 2(3), 34–44. Retrieved from



Ciencia Universitaria