Design of process quality costing system in employment agency for the nickel organizations in Moa


  • Dianays Correa-Sánchez Universidad de Holguín


Quality cost system, employment agency for the nickel, process approach.


This work is aimed at determining quality costs in the Empleadora del Niquel. It includes basic requirements of the Quality Costing System (SCC), the importance of using the process approach to measure the performance of the Quality Management System (SGC). This identifies quality cost generating activities in each of the key processes in addition to items of expenditure in each of them, taking into account costs of prevention, evaluation and failure. Software was designed for cost monitoring in the enterprise by using computer-assisted tools.


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Author Biography

Dianays Correa-Sánchez, Universidad de Holguín

Ingeniería Industrial


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How to Cite

Correa-Sánchez, D. (2012). Design of process quality costing system in employment agency for the nickel organizations in Moa. Ciencia & Futuro, 2(3), 45–53. Retrieved from



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