Methodology for troubleshooting frequent Hyundai Generator failures at Felton´s Power Generating Facility


  • Yasmani Gutiérrez-Moraga Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Failure troubleshooting methodology, Hyundai fuel oil generator, Felton´s power plant.


Electrical system failures can have a negative impact on any company´s production or service. Failures occurring in power generating plants may have a direct repercussion on the economic development of any country. This investigation was conducted at the fuel oil station in Felton´s electrical generating plant. The objective was to analyze the most frequent failures that have occurred in series 9H25/32 Hyundai generators during their last two years of operation. The root cause identified for each generator shutdown provided valuable information; which indicates the need to increase maintenance and inspection periods for these machines in addition to improve operating procedures. Based on historical data analysis, a methodology was developed to provide solutions for each failure in a shorter period of time; which will result in increased power generation, reliability and more technical knowledge; and therefore, contributing to the economic development of Cuba.


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Author Biography

Yasmani Gutiérrez-Moraga, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Ingeniería eléctrica


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Moraga, Y. (2013). Methodology for troubleshooting frequent Hyundai Generator failures at Felton´s Power Generating Facility. Ciencia & Futuro, 3(4), 32–51. Retrieved from



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