The impact of immigration on Latin American socio-economic development


  • Elías N. Bee-Oyana Universidad de Matanzas


Migration, economic development, social development, remittance


The investigation analyzes the impact that immigration has on Latin American socio-economic development. It includes a diagnostic study of the current migratory situation in the world and its consequences, the importance of remittances and the immigration of Europeans to Latin-American countries; which tends to grow significantly in the mid term. The methods used during the investigation were: review of documentation, analysis-synthesis, induction and deduction.


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Author Biography

Elías N. Bee-Oyana, Universidad de Matanzas

Licenciatura en Economía


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How to Cite

Bee-Oyana, E. N. (2013). The impact of immigration on Latin American socio-economic development. Ciencia & Futuro, 3(4), 62–78. Retrieved from