Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and developing urban agriculture in Moa



bioaccumulation, urban agriculture, soils for agricultural use, food security


Urban agriculture can present risks to human health and the environment when carrying it out on contaminated soils. This study reviewed and analyzed the literature published in this regard with the purpose of establishing analogies between the development of urban and suburban agriculture in Moa municipality and the real potential for heavy metals bioaccumulation. Despite the lack of specific studies related this issue in Moa, there is available literature suggesting that there is a real possibility of contaminating vegetables by heavy metals due to the mobility of these elements in the soil. For that reason, it is imperative to carry out specific studies and developing appropriate mitigation strategies to protect people’s health and the environment from a soil phytoremediation strategy adapted to conditions in Moa municipality.


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How to Cite

Pérez-García, L. A., Crespo-Lambert, M., Leyva- Rodríguez, C. A., & Cuza-Fernández, G. (2024). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and developing urban agriculture in Moa. Minería & Geología, 39(3), 174–187. Retrieved from

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