Determining deposition velocity of aggregate washing mud transported by pipelines



mud, arid, deposition velocity, sedimentation velocity


The objective was to determine a mathematical model to calculate the deposition velocity of the mud resulting from the washing of aggregates from the Jobo Base Business Unit of Sagua de Tánamo, which is transported by pipelines. Sampling, granulometric and densimetric analyzes were carried out and a complete factorial experiment design with four tests and two replications each was used. The input variable, percentage of solids, was studied at four levels (4%, 12%, 20% and 28%). It was determined that the clay contained in the mud, due to its predominant granulometry of less than 40 µm, classifies as silt. It was also revealed that the density of the solid is 1,901 kg/m3. The results of the deposition velocity determined by indirect measurement and those predicted by calculations using the Durand model were compared, with the aim of improving its precision and reliability, obtaining a relative coincidence error of less than 5%. A correction function is determined that quantifies the relationship between gravitational sedimentation velocity and deposition velocity.


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How to Cite

Leyva-de la Cruz, B., Utria-Jiménez, M., Laurencio-Olivares, A., Alcántara-Borges, D., & Laurencio-Alfonso, H. L. (2024). Determining deposition velocity of aggregate washing mud transported by pipelines. Minería & Geología, 40(1), 60–72. Retrieved from

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