Zonation of heavy metals pollution at Almendares basin through magnetic susceptibility mapping


  • Ida Inés Pedroso-Herrera Agencia de Medio Ambiente


Environmental magnetism, magnetic susceptibility, soils pollution, heavy metals, Almendares basin


The magnetic susceptibility of soils in the Almendares River basin was used as a preliminary indicator of potential contamination by heavy metals. To obtain the outline pollution of zone, mensuration of the magnetic susceptibility in polygons and profiles of potentially contaminated areas were made. Kapametric survey was conducted at 1:200 000 scale, using a grid of 2 x 2 km, and statistical data of magnetic susceptibility in heavy metals polluted soils and uncontaminated ones were elaborated. Based on the new version of Cuban Genetic Classification of Soils, results of the statistical processing of the magnetic susceptibility data and heavy metal concentrations in soil samples, were established the ranges of magnetic susceptibility that characterize the contaminated soils in the genetic groups present in the basin. The final result was the zonation scheme of heavy metal pollution of the Almendares River basin.


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How to Cite

Pedroso-Herrera, I. I. (2013). Zonation of heavy metals pollution at Almendares basin through magnetic susceptibility mapping. Minería & Geología, 29(3), 01–17. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistamg/article/view/644



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