Anomalous seismic activity performance in January 17, 2016 in southern part of Santiago de Cuba



seismic activity, aftershocks, Santiago de Cuba, seismic moment tensor, Kagan angle.


Performance and possible causes of seismic activity in the southern of Santiago de Cuba province were evaluated, based on the geological and tectonic information available and records of the earthquakes occurred in this region in January 17, 2016 at 08:17 UTC. The analysis of the space-time-energy parameters of the earthquakes showed the coherence between the results of three of the networks monitoring the region, namely, the Cuban National Seismological Service (SSNC), the United States Geological Service (USGS) and the German Center for Geo-scientific Research (GEOFON)). For three of the earthquakes, the seismic moment tensors were calculated by reversing the corresponding waveforms. Comparing the results of two of them with those obtained by other agencies that monitor the area was totally consistent with fault planes oriented N-S with compressive focal mechanisms. The third earthquake, which occurred a week later in the east of the province, also had a compressive mechanism, although with a NW-SE orientation on the fault plane. The seismic activity that initially performed like a swarm of earthquakes, performed differently later; similar to aftershocks registered after a higher-energy earthquake, following Omori's Law, that is, the type of premonitory-main earthquake event –aftershocks.


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Author Biography

OLeary Fernando González-Matos, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas

Director del Centro nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas.


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How to Cite

González-Matos, O. F., Arango-Arias, E. D., Moreno-Toirán, B., Leyva-Arias, M., & Berenguer-Heredia, Y. (2021). Anomalous seismic activity performance in January 17, 2016 in southern part of Santiago de Cuba. Minería & Geología, 37(2), 130–145. Retrieved from


