Integrated application of multivariate statistics and fractal analysis to lithogeochemical data at the metallogenic district Dora-Francisco in Pinar del Río


  • Amadú Baldé UPR
  • José Lastra-Rivero UPR


SEDEX deposits, geochemical anomalies, multivariate statistical analysis, fractal analysis, geochemical metallotec.


An integrated re-interpretation of the geochemical metallotec was carried out at Dora-Francisco metallogenic district. The spatial disposition, delimitation, and composition of lithogeochemical anomalies and its link with the different styles of exhalative-sedimentary mineralization (SEDEX) were the starting point. A database was prepared with the analytical results of Ag, Ba, Cu, Co, Mo, Pb and Zn in lithogeochemical samples of the study region. These simple geochemical variables wer classified by analyzing the factors and two new complex geochemical variables were obtained, each one representative of a mineralization style: stratiform pyrite-polymetallic and copper stockwork. The fractal analysis by the concentration-area method was used to estimate the background-anomaly limit (threshold) of the complex geochemical variables, giving rise to the complex geochemical maps. The results of the cartography of these geochemical anomalies represent each geochemical metallotec type linked to its mineralization style, which is the basis for its integration to other metallotec (lithological, structural, mineralogical, and geomorphological) in order to create maps of mineral favorability.


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How to Cite

Baldé, A., & Lastra-Rivero, J. (2018). Integrated application of multivariate statistics and fractal analysis to lithogeochemical data at the metallogenic district Dora-Francisco in Pinar del Río. Minería & Geología, 34(2), 136–150. Retrieved from


