Establishing a deterministic seismic hazard scenario at the Hicacos peninsula



deterministic seismic hazard, hazard scenario, peak acceleration, seismic source, soil response spectrum.


Using a deterministic approach to characterize soil movements, an earthquake scenario was developed for determining the seismic hazard of the Hicacos peninsula in Matanzas, Cuba. The earthquake origin areas of the western territory with the highest seismic potential, within a radius of 300 kilometers, were selected for the peninsula. Earthquakes with the maximum magnitude were associated in these faults based on expert judgment based on results of recent studies. On the basis of the description of geological characteristics of formations present on the peninsula, a classification of the soil type was made according to the current seismic standard (Cuban Standard, 2017).The earthquake data was processed by using SELENA software in conjunction with the empirical relationships for predicting soil movement and the distance to each site (soil unit) for the deterministic analysis of seismic hazard. As a result, soil response spectrum values (PGA, Sa0.2, Sa1.0) were obtained for both soft soil and rock-type soil according to the earthquake scenario and it was correlated intensity with soil movement parameters.


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Author Biographies

Madelín Villalón-Semanat, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas (CENAIS)

Grupo de Peligrosidad SísmicaInvestigadora Agregada

Darío Candebat-Sánchez, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas


Zulima Rivera-Álvarez, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas



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How to Cite

Villalón-Semanat, M., Candebat-Sánchez, D., & Rivera-Álvarez, Z. (2020). Establishing a deterministic seismic hazard scenario at the Hicacos peninsula. Minería & Geología, 36(2), 137–154. Retrieved from




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