Tectonic influence on the spatial arrangement of ore-bearing horizons from San Felipe deposit



San Felipe deposit, tectonics, faulting, nickel-bearing laterite crust, ore-bearing horizon, nickel-bearing mineralization.


The purpose of the study is to show the influence of tectonic structure on the spatial arrangement and mineralization variability of ore-bearing horizons from San Felipe ferro-nickel laterite crust deposit. Mineral maps content and spatial distribution were prepared from the well log data, and cross sections were made to visualize in depth the displacements produced on both sides of the fault movement vector, and to establish relationships between mineralization and the structural geometry of crust. It is concluded that in this deposit the preservation of ore-bearing horizon is conditioned by the disposition and altimetry of the dislocated rocky substrate because of the tectonic affectation. In the fracture zones, the supergene enrichment with high contents of nickeliferous mineralization is related to the amplitude of tectonic displacements in the altered serpentine from the basement.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Rodríguez-Catalá, Empresa Geominera Camagüey

alfredo5921@nauta cu


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Catalá, A., & Rodríguez-Infante, A. (2022). Tectonic influence on the spatial arrangement of ore-bearing horizons from San Felipe deposit. Minería & Geología, 37(4), 397–413. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistamg/article/view/art2_No4_2021

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