Functional relationships: a contribution to the general theory of hydrogeoelectric flow in aquifers


  • Eugenio Vidal-Méndez Dirección Provincial de Recursos Hidraúlicos Guantánamo


hydrogeoelectric flow, groundwater, functional relationship, hydraulic conductivity, aquifers, geoelectricity.


A controversial and a highly debated issue has been estimated the hydrogeological properties of aquifers at the system scale from the geoelectrical parameters that characterize them due to the lack of a theory that supports the existence of functional relationship between geoelectrical parameters and hydrogeological properties. Equations that support a theory that back up the existence of such relationships are developed in this paper.


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How to Cite

Vidal-Méndez, E. (2018). Functional relationships: a contribution to the general theory of hydrogeoelectric flow in aquifers. Minería & Geología, 34(2), 151–166. Retrieved from


