Tectonic geomorphology in southeast from Mayarí municipality, Holguín province


  • Sergio Greenidge Moro GEOCUBA Oriente Norte, Holguín.
  • Alina Rodríguez-Infante Universidad de Moa http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7997-7145
  • Idelfonso Díaz-Barrios GEOCUBA I. C., La Habana, Cuba.


recent tectonic activity, morphometric indices, river basins, geomorphology, Mayarí municipality.


The performance of recent tectonic activity in southeast of Mayarí municipality, Holguín province was determined. Seventeen (17) river basins were generated based on topographic information from the Digital Elevation Model of the territory at 25x25 m resolution, to which four morphometric indices were applied: hypsometric integral, hypsometric curve, and asymmetry factor and elongation radius. Quantitative analysis of the surface characteristics of these basins allowed defining their dimensions, shape, and geomorphological stage, intensity of tectonic activity and direction of tilting motion. Interpreting the results showed that character of recent tectonic activity in the study area ranges from moderate to high and it is one of the main factors conditioning the landscape of the territory. The current relief is in a geomorphological maturity stage and the areas with the greatest intensity in recent tectonics are located in the northwest and southwest of the region, according to the geomorphological indices applied.


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Author Biography

Sergio Greenidge Moro, GEOCUBA Oriente Norte, Holguín.

Máster en Ciencias Geológicas. Mención Geología Regional. Graduado en el ISMMM "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez". Actualmente Especialista CITMA del Taller de Geología de la Agencia SEMA de GEOCUBA Oriente Norte.


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How to Cite

Greenidge Moro, S., Rodríguez-Infante, A., & Díaz-Barrios, I. (2020). Tectonic geomorphology in southeast from Mayarí municipality, Holguín province. Minería & Geología, 36(2), 155–171. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistamg/article/view/art3_No2_2020


