Modeling conveyor´s belt resistance to movement on curve sections of profiles and traces


  • Yoni Sierra-González
  • Roberto J. Sierra-Pérez ISMM
  • Arístides A. Legrá-Lobaina CETAM
  • María Eugenia Torres-Santander Delegación Territorial CITMA Holguín.


belt conveyors, resistance on curved sections, interpolation by section, cubic spline


Belt resistance to movement on curved sections of profiles and traces is not taken into account to accurately design belt conveyors. A mathematically-based theoretical model is induced in this investigation to estimate the resistance to movement on curved sections in vertical plane, which reduces the friction and the normal strength component to the belt on contact locations with the support rollers on curved sections. Accurate mathematical methods of interpolation adopted to trace curves having a small potential energy without angled points and generate a minimum threshold of resistance to movement in a deterministic manner. A model is generated to determine radial stress and angle of cross inclination on the support rollers on the curved sections in the horizontal plane depending on the productivity and the properties of soft and homogenized laterite ores being conveyed.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Torres-Santander, Delegación Territorial CITMA Holguín.

Máster en Ciencias


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How to Cite

Sierra-González, Y., Sierra-Pérez, R. J., Legrá-Lobaina, A. A., & Torres-Santander, M. E. (2017). Modeling conveyor´s belt resistance to movement on curve sections of profiles and traces. Minería & Geología, 33(1), 94–113. Retrieved from



Eficiencia energética