Geodetic proof of vertical recent movements at the seism generating zone of Acambay, Mexico


  • Luis Miguel Espinosa-Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • José Ramón Hernández-Santana Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Ana Patricia Méndez-Linares UNAM


Acambay, trans-mexican volcanic system, geodynamic, tectonic, vertical movements, geodetic measurements.


The central territorial belt oriented west-east and located along the parallel 19 in the Mexican Republic, is composed of a complex system of faults, that respond to the consequent morphology of a tension arched system, which has been erected to the Volcanic Transmexican or Transversal Belt. This region evidences the dynamics and evolution of a graben and horst tectonic system, as well as volcanic manifestations characterized by stratovolcanoes, monogenetic fields and fisural flows, among others. In particular, in the center of the Mexican regional complex, the fault system which delimits the region of Acambay in the state of Mexico, had showed evidences of seismogenerating activity during a century until the present time. According to the above and based on the geomorphological analysis and the geodetic measurements, the dynamic presented by these morphostructures in a multitemporal comparative study (1998/2003 o 2011) is showed. The rates of vertical tectonic movements reflect recent rise values ranging from + 7,3 to 12,8 mm/year in the northern horst of Santa María Tixmadejé, while in the central graben of Acambay are very weak, of the order of + 0,4 to + 0,5 mm/year.


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How to Cite

Espinosa-Rodríguez, L. M., Hernández-Santana, J. R., & Méndez-Linares, A. P. (2016). Geodetic proof of vertical recent movements at the seism generating zone of Acambay, Mexico. Minería & Geología, 32(4), 91–109. Retrieved from

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