The geological heritage and geodiversity in the environmental training of the geologist in Cuba



geological heritage, geodiversity, environmental training of geologist.


The exploitation of mineral resources brings with it effects on the environment, in particular, on the geological heritage and geodiversity, for this reason professionals with a solid environmental training are required to guarantee the protection of the geological heritage of the nation. This work points towards the need to strengthen, with regard to geological heritage and geodiversity, the environmental training of Geology students at Cuban universities. Different epistemological conceptions related to the environmental formative process are addressed and from this perspective the need to recognize that geological heritage and geodiversity are essential within the environmental training of the geology professional is highlighted. Theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis and hermeneutics are used. It is concluded that heritage environmental training of geologists is essential as a process aimed at promoting the protection of the geological environment, geological heritage and geodiversity, in correspondence with what society expects from these professionals.


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How to Cite

Aldana-Aldana, Y., Robas-Díaz, E. F., Bess-Reyes, T., & Guardado-Lacaba, R. M. (2021). The geological heritage and geodiversity in the environmental training of the geologist in Cuba. Minería & Geología, 37(1), 120–129. Retrieved from



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