Alloy foundry for manufacturing automobile drums
brake drum, alloys, smelting.Abstract
Metallographic characterization and hardness were performed based on the equilibrium compositions of the different phases in the interface areas of an alloy foundry of HF Fe 21 Ni type, to be used in manufacturing automobile drums. The chemical composition of the load materials composed of scrap and pig iron was established, where six test tubes were melted, three of them were subjected to annealing heat treatment in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 700 °C in one stage and air cooling. When calculating the solidification process, it was determined the smelter solidifies as hypoeutectic because it has carbon content <of 4.3. After analyzing the microstructural performance of foundry in raw, it shows a matrix of dendritic ferrite and perlite and after heat treatment; the matrix is ferrite with graphite. The obtained hardness in the untreated and thermally treated samples varies from an initial hardness of HV 494, influenced by 34.49% manganese sulphide, to HV 225 in the first one and in the second one by presenting a ferritic matrix.Downloads
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