Use of tuffs from Flores town for ceramic red products


  • Yaimaris Martínez-Fonseca Universidad de Moa
  • Ismael Terrero-Aguirre Universidad de Moa
  • Carlos A. Leyva-Rodríguez Universidad de Moa


clay, vitreous tuff, construction materials.


The physical-mechanical properties of clay mixtures with vitreous tuffs of Flores cooperative were determined and performance of clay mixtures with 10 and 20% vitreous tuffs was also evaluated to obtain bricks. The following technological parameters were obtained by using different test methods: % water absorption, % weight loss and compression strength, as well as their performance during cooking temperature and drying. M-1 was the sample with highest compression resistance of all analyzed mixtures being the one with the best result according to the evaluated parameters. 


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How to Cite

Martínez-Fonseca, Y., Terrero-Aguirre, I., & Leyva-Rodríguez, C. A. (2019). Use of tuffs from Flores town for ceramic red products. Ciencia & Futuro, 9(3), 21–33. Retrieved from



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