Action plan for the management and conservation of biological diversity in the Moa mining region


  • Carmen M. Hernández-Fernández Universidad de Moa
  • Eider Sánchez-Olivero Universidad de Moa
  • Gricel R. Palacios-Castillo Oficina de Medio Ambiente CUBANÍQUEL


biodiversity, environmental Conservation, mining recovery.


An action plan was designed to reduce the loss of biodiversity in the Moa mining region. For this, the general methods and procedures for obtaining and processing information were used. The documentary analysis, case studies and expert criteria were applied to review the available information. The action plan supported by the municipal delegation of CITMA comprises four priority objectives and 36 actions that address the main factors of biodiversity loss and that seek to reduce the most important pressures that support the nature and services of ecosystems, integrating the objectives of biodiversity in key sectoral policies of the Moa mining region.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Fernández, C. M., Sánchez-Olivero, E., & Palacios-Castillo, G. R. (2019). Action plan for the management and conservation of biological diversity in the Moa mining region. Ciencia & Futuro, 9(4), 86–93. Retrieved from



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