Local answer of the floor before the occurrence of earthquakes in the Miraflores district of the municipality of Moa


  • Yunelvi Zuñiga-Fuentes Universidad de Moa
  • Liuska Fernández-Diéguez Universidad de Moa


Liquefaction, earthquakes, seismic susceptibilit


The local response of the soil in the Miraflores de Moa distribution and its correlation with the geological-geological conditions were evaluated, so that the seismic hazard can be microzoned. The study was carried out using a system of indicators that summarize the most influential characteristics in soil response: geology, seismicity, geomorphology, water table depth, and engineering-geological conditions. The parameters used in the seismic microzone are based on a database and geographic information system, which allowed constant updating of the degree of seismic study in the study area; reason why the obtained seismic microzone constitutes a consultation tool in the future urban planning of Moa. The result obtained is a scheme that illustrates the north and south sectors, where the north sector represents one of the weakest areas; Composed of somewhat soft soils, filled with serpentine fragments, very weathered and cracked, not very resistant, semi-compacted, loamy-sandy, loose or brittle soil, semi-saturated and partly saturated in great proportion and somewhat compressible. 


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How to Cite

Zuñiga-Fuentes, Y., & Fernández-Diéguez, L. (2020). Local answer of the floor before the occurrence of earthquakes in the Miraflores district of the municipality of Moa. Ciencia & Futuro, 10(2), 1–18. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/1922



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