Billing system for the Nickel Union Services Company


  • Yadira Romero-Rodríguez Universidad de Moa
  • Lourdes García-Pujadas Universidad de Moa


billing, computer system, client server application, computerization


An invoicing system was designed that enables the Nickel Union Services Company to carry out invoice management, which will be able to speed up and improve all the processes that intervene during the closing of its accounting operations in an efficient manner, providing greater security, accessibility and speed in the management of information. It is supported on Firebird 2.5 with CLIENT-SERVER features. The design of the client interface and the programming have been executed on the Borland Studio 2010 development platform. Several additional tools are available for the design and consultation of a variety of reports, edition of database errors and export facilities. of information and documents to standard formats (*.doc, *.xls, *.pdf, etc) of the Windows operating system. 


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How to Cite

Romero-Rodríguez, Y., & García-Pujadas, L. (2022). Billing system for the Nickel Union Services Company. Ciencia & Futuro, 12(2), 252–265. Retrieved from



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