Mining software for the calculation of volume and the preparation of topographic profiles


  • Javier A. Rodríguez-Chávez Universidad de Moa
  • Luis A. Ramírez-Meléndez Universidad de Moa
  • Gianna B. Moya-Rivera Universidad de Moa
  • Saturnino Ndongo-Obama Universidad de Moa


mined areas, level of exploitation, Surfers 8, Gemcom 6.8.


A procedure was developed for the calculation of volume in mined areas and the preparation of topographic profiles through the use of mining software, in order to define the main technical characteristics of the different software, as well as to evaluate the results obtained for the procedure. the calculation of the volume in mined areas and the preparation of topographic profiles. Topographic surveys were carried out at a scale of 1:1000 of the study area and its surroundings, 193 filling points were taken, as well as the foot and the upper edge of the mined area between levels +143 (ceiling) to +134 (floor). from the quarry. The data was exported by Topocal to the computer in TXT format, transformed into *.dat and Ascll formats, imported by the Surfer and Gemcom software for subsequent visualization, qualitative and quantitative modeling, as well as volume calculation in mined areas and the preparation of topographic profiles. The results obtained are evaluated and the software used in the Oro Barita mine is validated.  


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Chávez, J. A., Ramírez-Meléndez, L. A., Moya-Rivera, G. B., & Ndongo-Obama, S. (2023). Mining software for the calculation of volume and the preparation of topographic profiles. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(1), 1–14. Retrieved from



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