Determination of operational parameters for the transport of carbonated silt with pseudoplastic behavior


  • Yasmani Romero-Gé Universidad de Moa
  • Alejandro Hechavarría-Güeje Universidad de Moa
  • Rodney Martínez-Rojas Universidad de Moa
  • Yalina Alvarez-Matos Universidad de Moa
  • Zuliem Galano-de la Cruz Universidad de Moa


non-Newtonian fluid, hydraulic power, hydraulic resistance, fluid transportation


A methodology was proposed to obtain the operational and rational pumping parameters of a real system when the fluid has pseudoplastic behavior. For this, the studies carried out by Martínez & Hernández (2015) were implemented, which propose that for carbonated sludge pulps that have a solid content between 17–23%, they can be adjusted to the Ostwald de Waele model, according to their rheological behavior. In obtaining the operational and rational parameters for the transport of pseudoplastic fluids, a methodological proposal for calculation and the measurements carried out in the real system to which it will be applied were established. It is determined that the system works for the optimal design conditions with a flow rate at the operating point of 490 m3/h at an operating height of 6.4 m working at a design performance with 76% efficiency.


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How to Cite

Romero-Gé, Y., Hechavarría-Güeje, A., Martínez-Rojas, R., Alvarez-Matos, Y., & Galano-de la Cruz, Z. (2023). Determination of operational parameters for the transport of carbonated silt with pseudoplastic behavior. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(3), 351–366. Retrieved from



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