Incidence of water and clay content on the surface hardness of masonry mortars


  • Aylin Laurencio Olivares Universidad de Moa
  • Benigno Leyva de la Cruz Universidad de Moa


aggregate, concrete, construction materials, cement


The influence of the proportion of water and clay on the hardness of mortars was determined. For this, sampling, granulometric and densimetric analysis were carried out. A random block experiment was carried out, with 36 specimens of standard dimensions 40 X 40 X 160 mm, using P350 cement, sand, water and clay; The water proportions are studied at three levels 0.5-0.75 and 1, while the clay proportions are evaluated at 4 levels 0-0.06-0.33 and 0.6. It is determined by the granulometric analysis that the clay is classified as silt and the sand, normalized to coarse plaster. The analysis of variance at three confidence levels (90, 95 and 99%) and curve fits indicate the significance of the variations in hardness in relation to the variations in the proportion of water and clay.


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How to Cite

Laurencio Olivares, A., & Leyva de la Cruz , B. (2024). Incidence of water and clay content on the surface hardness of masonry mortars. Ciencia & Futuro, 14(2), 140–154. Retrieved from



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