Correlations between the N value of the standard penetration test and geotechnical properties of Bayamo plastic clays


  • Isabel Herrera Delfín Empresa de Investigaciones para la Construcción Holguín
  • Yoima Ricardo Arias Empresa de Investigaciones para la Construcción Holguín
  • Antonio Rodríguez Cáceres Empresa de Investigaciones para la Construcción Holguín


geotectonic study, dynamic penetration test, soil resistence


The existing correlations between the N value of the standard penetration test (Nspt) and the geotechnical properties C, Φ and E of the plastic clays of the Bayamo municipality, in the Granma province, were updated. The in situ Standard Penetration Test (SPT), physical-mechanical tests were applied to the soils, and mathematical statistical processing was used using SPSS software. To this end, the work is divided into three different stages, the first aimed at the bibliographic search and review (academic repositories, scientific journals, the company's technical archive), a second stage focused on the work carried out (field, laboratory) and a third where The information obtained was collected and organized for subsequent statistical processing. Three correlation equations were obtained for this particular soil type. It was concluded that clays have high reliability, which is why their use is recommended for small-scale works or in the conceptual ideas stage of projects to be carried out in the municipality.


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How to Cite

Herrera Delfín, I., Ricardo Arias, Y., & Rodríguez Cáceres, A. (2024). Correlations between the N value of the standard penetration test and geotechnical properties of Bayamo plastic clays. Ciencia & Futuro, 14(2), 155–167. Retrieved from



Ciencia Universitaria