Evaluation of the pumping system belonging to the Guantánamo Meat Company


  • Oscarina Barroso-Romero Universidad de Moa
  • Yasmani Romero-Gé Universidad de Moa
  • Rodney Martínez-Rojas Universidad de Moa
  • Yaima Fernández-Pérez Universidad de Moa


hydrotransport, meat industry, turbulent regime, liquid transfer


The optimization of the pumping system of the Guantánamo Meat Company was proposed through a detailed analysis of its operational parameters. Extensive studies were carried out to precisely determine the factors influencing pumping system performance. Obtaining the network curve under established working conditions provided a clear framework for system evaluation and improvement. Through this analysis, it was possible to identify the optimal operating point of the system, which allowed obtaining crucial data, such as the flow rate with a value of 169 m3/h, the manometric head of 54 m and the performance of 77.6% in said spot. These results provided a comprehensive view of the system's efficiency and served as a basis for implementing strategic adjustments and improvements. In addition, a detailed analysis of the energy cost associated with pumping was carried out with a value that amounts to 70,702.1 CUP/year and a water transportation cost of 0.002 CUP/m3 for one meter of pipe in the facility.


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How to Cite

Barroso-Romero, O., Romero-Gé, Y., Martínez-Rojas, R., & Fernández-Pérez, Y. (2024). Evaluation of the pumping system belonging to the Guantánamo Meat Company. Ciencia & Futuro, 14(3), 319–333. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2593



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