Integrator management model of tutoring between peer to peer with technology support for the English learning


  • Ignacio Delgado-Castellanos Escuela Normal Instituto Jaime Torres Bode, Puebla
  • María E. A. Pérez-Sordo Escuela Normal Instituto Jaime Torres Bode, Puebla
  • Diana A. Morales-Maceda Escuela Normal Instituto Jaime Torres Bode, Puebla
  • Guadalupe Fernández-López Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla


lenguaje learning, lenguaje teaching, communication skills, English lenguage


 An integrative management model of peer tutoring with technological support for the learning of English in Normal Schools in Mexico was evaluated. A mixed methodology was used that considered the documentary review for the design and proposal of the model and interviews were applied to specialists to assess the relevance and applicability in educational practice. The results obtained suggest that the integration of peer tutoring and technological support represents an effective strategy to promote English learning. In this sense, the combination of tutoring approaches and digital tools seem to be key elements to enhance the linguistic and personal development of students. In conclusion, this study shows the relevance of implementing an integrative management model of peer tutoring with technological support in the educational field, especially in the context of learning English in Normal Schools in Mexico. The findings obtainedprovide solid support for the adoption of this strategy, which can contribute significantly to the academic and personal development of students.  


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How to Cite

Delgado-Castellanos, I., Pérez-Sordo, M. E. A., Morales-Maceda, D. A., & Fernández-López, G. (2024). Integrator management model of tutoring between peer to peer with technology support for the English learning. Ciencia & Futuro, 14(4), 522–538. Retrieved from

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