Information management system for wind parameters


  • Adrián Pierra-Fuentes Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


Information Management System, aerator-generator, web and desktop applications, software-free methodologies


The installation of aerator-generators in Cuba has resulted in an increase in the number of studies conducted to maximize the efficient operation of this equipment. In this regard, the data registered by mobile weather stations that monitor wind parameters are often requested by researchers. Guaranteeing that these records are available and accurate may pose a problem as well as interpreting the information collected from them. This work describes the implementation of a software application, which resolves this issue. The Open-Up methodology was used as guidance for the development of this application. The Broker Distribution was used based on the characteristics of the platform where the system will be presented. This led to the utilization of technologies and tools for the design of an intermediate application executed in a desktop environment and a web application for the publication of wind parameters and diagrams representing the information contained in these parameters.


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Author Biography

Adrián Pierra-Fuentes, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico

Ingeniería Informática.


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How to Cite

Pierra-Fuentes, A. (2014). Information management system for wind parameters. Ciencia & Futuro, 4(3), 22–32. Retrieved from



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