Estimation of the overall curvature coefficient and refraction in lateritic ore bodies


  • Walkis Herrera-Blanco CEPRONIQUEL
  • Orlando Belete-Fuentes Departamento de Minas, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Yordanis E. Batista-Legrá Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico


curvature and refraction coefficient, mining soil survey, lateritic ore body


In this work the meteorological factors, the air layer density, the differences in the height above sea level, the variations of the atmospheric conditions at different hours during the day and the atmospheric pressure were analyzed. Experimental measurements were completed based on organizational works, the instruments and the soil survey network used. The result indicates that the overall coefficient of curvature and refraction in the lateritic ore bodies in the municipality of Moa is 0,20 m. This differs from the coefficient of (0,14 m) applied on a national level. It was possible to observe that when applying 0,20 m to the experimental soil measurements the resulting height values of the locations were much closer to the actual value than when applying 0,14 m.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Blanco, W., Belete-Fuentes, O., & Batista-Legrá, Y. E. (2015). Estimation of the overall curvature coefficient and refraction in lateritic ore bodies. Minería & Geología, 31(3), 26–44. Retrieved from

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