Ammoniacal liquor saturation pressure and its relation with cavitation in centrifugal pumps


  • Jorge L. Reyes-Cruz ISMM
  • Gerardo Ruiz-Chavarría UNAM
  • Enrique Torres-Tamayo ISMM
  • Roilber Lambert-Sánchez ISMM
  • Manuel Matos-Elías ISMM


steam pressure, ammonia, cavitation, centrifugal pumps, three-phase fluids.


The experiment was carried out using water and ammonia liquor in order to obtain numerical values of the steam pressure and establish a connection between the pressure drop and bubble formation associated with cavitation in the centrifugal pumps operated for the transfer of ammoniacal liquor containing dissolved and suspended solids. The experiment was developed in two stages in which the saturation pressure of the ammoniacal liquor and the pressure drop were obtained when cavitation was induced to occur in a centrifugal pump. It was concluded that the pressure when bubbles are formed during the transfer of ammoniacal liquor at a concentration of 27 % and a saturation temperature of 22,15 ºC is 45,6·103 Pa. This is the minimum pressure threshold for the cavitation to occur in the centrifugal pump with the ammoniacal liquor set at 75% of volume flow.


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Author Biography

Jorge L. Reyes-Cruz, ISMM

Departamento de Mecánica


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How to Cite

Reyes-Cruz, J. L., Ruiz-Chavarría, G., Torres-Tamayo, E., Lambert-Sánchez, R., & Matos-Elías, M. (2015). Ammoniacal liquor saturation pressure and its relation with cavitation in centrifugal pumps. Minería & Geología, 31(1), 111–129. Retrieved from



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