Scenarios Susceptible to Induced Liquefaction Caused by High Magnitude Earthquakes in Santiago de Cuba


  • Liuska Fernández-Diéguez Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico, Moa,
  • Rafael Guardado-Lacaba Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Isabel Herrera-Delfín Empresa Geocuba, Holguín
  • Ricardo Oliva-Álvarez Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas
  • Pedro Díaz-Santo Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (ENIA) Santiago de Cuba


soil liquefaction, geological engineering, urban planning, Santiago de Cuba.


The objective of this investigation was to define the zoning of soil liquefaction potential for the Guillermón Moncada Popular Council in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba. The engineering and geological conditions and seismic peculiarities favoring a seism to take place were assessed. The safety factor was re-calculated after determining possible maximum intensity values based on seismic magnitudes that can trigger the soil of the investigated area to liquefy. A scheme of the area´s soil susceptibility to liquefaction was obtained. Based on this result, it was concluded that the sectors that are most likely to experience soil liquefaction if an earthquake of magnitudes ranging between 7,75 and 8 occurs are located towards the center-east of the Popular Council with sandy-clayey soils being predominant. This information is very useful for the location and planning of engineering construction works in the area.


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Author Biography

Liuska Fernández-Diéguez, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico, Moa,

Ing.GeologaDpto. Geología 


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How to Cite

Fernández-Diéguez, L., Guardado-Lacaba, R., Herrera-Delfín, I., Oliva-Álvarez, R., & Díaz-Santo, P. (2016). Scenarios Susceptible to Induced Liquefaction Caused by High Magnitude Earthquakes in Santiago de Cuba. Minería & Geología, 32(2), 53–69. Retrieved from




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