Preliminary characterization of slate from Tchihingue deposit (Angola) for use as industrial rock



Tchihingue deposit, construction materials, slates, sericitic slates, industrial rock.


The purpose of this study was to carry out a mineralogical, chemical, petrographic and physical-mechanical characterization of the two kinds of slate rocks from Tchihingue deposit in Angola in order to make a good use of them as industrial rocks. The characterization was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, thin section petrographic analysis and X-ray diffraction. Determining physical-mechanical properties of the rock was carried out through the abrasion test, and resistance to flexion and compression. It was determined that slates have a majority chemical composition of silicon, aluminum, iron and potassium oxides. Both types have a very fine texture on a sericite matrix, which classifies them as sericitic slates. They are essentially composed of muscovite and quartz. Kaolinite is identified on the yellow slate and hematite on the brown slate as accessory minerals, distinctive features of each slate. Brown slate is richer in micaceous minerals and yellow slate has higher quartz content. The technological properties of these slates are suitable for application as an industrial rock, with little significant difference in flexural strength. The selection of its potential can be given from the aesthetic point of view.


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Author Biography

Claudio Fernándes-Da Mata, Gabinete Provincial de Industria, Comercio y Recursos Minerales, Huíla

Departamento de Recursos Minerales.


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How to Cite

Fernándes-Da Mata, C., Almenares-Reyes, R. S., & Otaño-Noguel, J. A. (2020). Preliminary characterization of slate from Tchihingue deposit (Angola) for use as industrial rock. Minería & Geología, 36(3), 253–267. Retrieved from

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