Petrologic-geochemical characterization of ultramafic association in Camarioca Sur area of Moa-Baracoa ophiolite complex


  • Yurisley Valdés-Mariño Departamento de Geología
  • José Nicolás Muñoz-Gómez Universidad de Moa
  • Gerardo Antonio Orozco-Melgar Universidad de Moa
  • Idael Francisco Blanco-Quintero Universidad de Alicante
  • Luis Alberto Pérez-García Universidad de Moa
  • Jorge Urra-Abraira Empresa Moa Nickel S.A. Pedro Sotto Alba


Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic association, Camarioca Sur, antigorite, harzburgite, dunites, leucocratic rocks.


Camarioca Sur is a sector in Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic complex composed of pyroxene ultramaphites, gneissic amphiboles, chromium-spinels and amphibolitic granofels, in which the presence of compact and hard rock dykes has been documented, white to dark gray color and poor weathering crust development. The aim of this research is to characterize the associated leucocratic dykes and the ultramafic lithological association of Moa-Baracoa ophiolitic complex in Camarioca Sur sector by using petrological and geochemical techniques. It was found harzburgite dunites are the predominant rocks. Peridotites are mainly composed of olivine, with the presence of chromium-spinels and to lesser extent pyroxenes. The rocks are partial or totally transformed into minerals of serpentine group (antigorite, lizardite and chrysotile). Some peridotites are metamorphosed, developing talcum + tremolite + chlorite. The leucocratic rocks, which cut through the peridotite dikes, consist mainly of plagioclase (oligoclase-andesine), quartz and actinolite, and apatite, Muscovite and rutile as accessories. These dikes show a slight metamorphism, developing a foliation and the formation of albite + clinozoisite + kaolinite, which denotes conditions of metamorphism of degree from low to medium.


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Author Biography

Yurisley Valdés-Mariño, Departamento de Geología

Jefe departamento de Geología, ISMM


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How to Cite

Valdés-Mariño, Y., Muñoz-Gómez, J. N., Orozco-Melgar, G. A., Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Pérez-García, L. A., & Urra-Abraira, J. (2019). Petrologic-geochemical characterization of ultramafic association in Camarioca Sur area of Moa-Baracoa ophiolite complex. Minería & Geología, 35(4), 384–399. Retrieved from

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