Characterization of the limestones of the Yaguajay clays deposit for the production of low carbon cement LC3


  • Luis A. Pérez-García Universidad de Moa
  • Liván García-Obregón Universidad de Moa
  • Alfredo Hidalgo-Suarez Universidad de Moa
  • Carlos Herrera-Sánchez Universidad de Moa


micritic limestones, weathering, clay body


The Yaguajay deposit was characterized from the perspective of the optical microscopy characterization of the rocks that make up its basement and rocky intercalations. The microscopy of reflected and polarized light was used as analytical techniques. It was concluded that petrographically the analyzed rocks correspond to recrystallized and dolomitized micritic limestones, formed in shallow waters. From the mineragraphic point of view the following metallic minerals present in the limestones were determined: hematite, birnessite, coronadite and ilmenite. The contribution of oxidized metal mineral phases to the clay body is given by the weathering and disintegration of the limestones that carry them and surround the clay body. The intercalations of altered limestones in the technological type B must be a factor to take into account when exploiting clay for the production of low carbon cement.


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How to Cite

Pérez-García, L. A., García-Obregón, L., Hidalgo-Suarez, A., & Herrera-Sánchez, C. (2019). Characterization of the limestones of the Yaguajay clays deposit for the production of low carbon cement LC3. Ciencia & Futuro, 9(4), 16–32. Retrieved from



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