Incidence of the oxyacetilenic flame on the welding of a nodular iron with bronze filled metal


  • Walber Guerra-Lobaina Hospital de Baracoa, Guantánamo
  • Mabel Fonseca-Cruz Universidad de Holguín
  • Ledennis Suárez-Torres Universidad de Moa
  • Tomás Fernández-Columbié Universidad de Moa
  • Dayanis Fernández-Veranes


microstructure, dendrites, nodular iron, oxyacetylene.


The incidence of the oxyacetylene flame in the welding of a nodular iron with bronze filler metal was determined. The process was carried out with a neutral flame and with a RBCuZn-C type bronze rod with a diameter of 2.4 mm. In the weld bead, a molten zone is obtained with the presence of ferrite, dendrites of primary α phase and Widmanstätten structure, as well as pearlite between the edges of the grains. The interface preceded by the formation of martensite and degenerate graphite nodules and in the heat affected zone graphite nodules in a ferrite-pearlite matrix. The hardness in the different zones, from the base material, increases from 170 HV to 234 HV, being higher in the molten zone. 


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How to Cite

Guerra-Lobaina, W., Fonseca-Cruz, M., Suárez-Torres, L., Fernández-Columbié, T., & Fernández-Veranes, D. (2020). Incidence of the oxyacetilenic flame on the welding of a nodular iron with bronze filled metal. Ciencia & Futuro, 10(4), 28–39. Retrieved from



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