The training process of professionals with a teaching role in nickel companies


  • Odalys T. Azahares-Fernández Universidad de Moa, Cuba
  • José L. Montero-O´Farril Universidad de Moa, Cuba
  • Modesto Vega-Matos Universidad de Moa, Cuba


Professional training, teaching category, teaching


A professional improvement strategy was designed for the teachers and instructors of the Nickel Training Center, which allows them to move to the higher category and an efficient performance in their professional work to favor the professional preparation promoted by the Nickel Training Center of the Service Company. It is expected to raise the level of preparation of professionals from nickel companies, in the teaching categories and political-ideological preparation through various training activities that favor updating their knowledge for a better level of performance in the workplace.   


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How to Cite

Azahares-Fernández, O. T., Montero-O´Farril, J. L., & Vega-Matos, M. (2022). The training process of professionals with a teaching role in nickel companies. Ciencia & Futuro, 12(4), 536–546. Retrieved from

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