Thermal model of the radial friction welding process in the joinning of dissimilar materials


  • Arletis Romero-Fernández Empresa METUNAS
  • Yunaidys Paumier-Castañeda Consejo Administración Moa
  • Roberto Méndez-Cortina Instituto Politécnico Sagua de Tánamo
  • Ledennis Suárez-Torres Universidad de Moa


alloy steel, rotational friction, virtual simulation, metallurgical union


Through finite elements, the thermal model of the radial friction welding process in the union of dissimilar materials between AISI 316L stainless steel and Cu-DHP copper was obtained, using the ANSYS Workbench software. The parameters were selected for the thermal modeling of the process, which were used for meshing and friction pressure assignment. It was determined that, in the thermal model, to achieve the bond between AISI 316L and Cu-DHP copper, friction occurs below its melting point at 756 oC, with a decrease to 748 oC during the forging temperature with a time of 14 s, with an increase in temperature of 756 oC and stresses up to 662,540 MPa, which is associated with the parameters of the radial friction welding process.


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How to Cite

Romero-Fernández, A., Paumier-Castañeda, Y., Méndez-Cortina, R., & Suárez-Torres, L. (2024). Thermal model of the radial friction welding process in the joinning of dissimilar materials. Ciencia & Futuro, 14(2), 184–198. Retrieved from



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