Selecting rock extraction method for the Pilon quarry, Mayari


  • Naisma Henández-Jatib Departamento de Minas, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Yuri Almaguer-Carmenate Departamento de Geología, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico
  • Yiezenia Rosario-Ferrer Departamento de Informática, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico, Moa
  • José Otaño-Noguel Departamento de Mias, Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico, Moa


Quarrying, breaking-ground methods, Pilon quarry.


In Cuba, mining of building material quarries is managed empirically. Rock extraction methods to be implemented are selected based on specialist expertise. In order to theoretically determine an adequate extraction method for conducting mining operations in the Pilon mine, a procedure was implemented. This procedure includes rocky massif structural analysis, identification of rock physical-mechanical properties and their geomechanical domains. Based on this information, it was possible to select the extraction method using the Karpuz graph. Two domains were identified in Pilon, according to which the most appropriate rock extraction methods were chosen: blasting for the first one and very hard ripping for the second one.


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How to Cite

Henández-Jatib, N., Almaguer-Carmenate, Y., Rosario-Ferrer, Y., & Otaño-Noguel, J. (2014). Selecting rock extraction method for the Pilon quarry, Mayari. Minería & Geología, 30(2), 42–57. Retrieved from

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