Contribution to linear interpolation method with Delaunay triangulation


  • Arístides A. Legrá-Lobaina Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa
  • Dulce M. Atanes-Beatón Universidad de Oriente
  • Carlos Guilarte-Fuentes Universidad de Guantánamo


Digital terrain model, linear interpolation, Delaunay triangulation, interpolation error


The linear interpolation with triangulation is an ideal method to create a digital terrain model when knowing some survey data. However, only the points included in the convex frontier of the projection of the measured points can be interpolated. The interpolation error can not be quantified with any existing formula. Therefore, the results can not be evaluated, which depends on a certain relation between survey sampling and surface variability. This article presents a procedure to complement the triangulation in a minimum rectangular region containing the points in addition to an index to quantify the geometric error when the coordinate value is interpolated in any point from the grid.


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How to Cite

Legrá-Lobaina, A. A., Atanes-Beatón, D. M., & Guilarte-Fuentes, C. (2014). Contribution to linear interpolation method with Delaunay triangulation. Minería & Geología, 30(2), 58–72. Retrieved from

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