Assessing the 2D models of geotechnical variables in a block of a Cuban lateritic site. Fifth part: combinatorial optimization of the UPD method


  • Arístides A. Legrá-Lobaina Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa
  • Aliet Lamorú-Reyes ISMM
  • Alexei Cala-Hinojosa


modeling, lateritic ore body, sampling network, estimate, UPD method, combinatorial optimization, exhaustive search.


In the work, through exhaustive searches, we study the combinatorial optimization of two - dimensional UPD modeling of the variables: thickness and concentrations of nickel, iron and cobalt in a block of a Cuban lateritic deposit. The UPD method is a numerical estimator with parameters q, δ and ε that from a set of data allows to obtain a mesh model that represents the behavior of a property U of some natural or technological object that is investigated in a certain spatial domain. For a set of n points (Pi; Ui), which express the values Ui for the corresponding spatial coordinates Pi, this method allows to estimate the value of U for any coordinate P of its domain, as a linear combination of powers q of euclidian distances.


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How to Cite

Legrá-Lobaina, A. A., Lamorú-Reyes, A., & Cala-Hinojosa, A. (2016). Assessing the 2D models of geotechnical variables in a block of a Cuban lateritic site. Fifth part: combinatorial optimization of the UPD method. Minería & Geología, 32(4), 33–48. Retrieved from

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