Contribution to the management of urban risks in Pinar del Río city using a 3D geological-geotechnical model


  • Alexis Ordaz-Hernández Facultad de Geografía UAEM. Toluca, México


geotechnics, geological-geotechnical model, geotechnical types, urban planning.


The objective of this paper is to elaborate a geological-geotechnical model in three dimensions for the Cenozoic section which is the shallowest of Pinar del Rio City. It is intended that the model obtained is used in future as an interpretative basis for geotechnical phenomena arising in the urban environment. The procedure fallowed can be easily applied to other worldwide studies, mainly in the areas that exist a big volume of geotechnical information. The procedure fallowed can be easily reproduced in other study cases worldwide, specifically counting on a wide volume of geotechnical information. Six Engineering Geological Types (EGT) are identified in the model, namely, Artificial fill, Vegetation layer, Marine alluvial coarse grained soil, Marine alluvial fine grained soil, Eluvial soil and Bed rock. The 3D geological-geotechnical model illustrates the spatial arrangement of the EGT above, and can contribute significantly at decision making in urban planning.


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Author Biography

Alexis Ordaz-Hernández, Facultad de Geografía UAEM. Toluca, México

Profesor-InvestigadorLineas de investigación principales:Geología AmbientalRiesgos NaturalesGeomorfología y Geología estructuralPrincipales publicacionesOrdaz Hernández A., T. J., Chuy Rodríguez, J. R., Hernández Santana, J. A., García Gutiérrez, 2012. División geológica y geotécnica aplicada a la zonación sísmica urbana: San Cristóbal, Cuba Occidental. Cuaternario y Geomorfología, 26 (1-2):89-104Ordaz Hernández, A., J. R., Hernández Santana, C. E., Cofiño Arada, A. P., Méndez Linares, G., Galaz Escanilla, 2013. Análisis estructural mesoscópico e interpretación morfotectónica del relieve: peligro sísmico en los municipios San Cristóbal y Candelaria, Cuba Occidental. Investigaciones Geográficas, 82:7-23Ordaz-Hernández, A., E., Estévez-Cruz, J. R., Hernández-Santana, T. J., Chuy Rodríguez, “Modelación de parámetros geotécnicos como contribución a la zonación sísmica local: Ciudad de San Cristóbal, Cuba”. Minería y Geología, 30(1) 1-16, 2014


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How to Cite

Ordaz-Hernández, A. (2017). Contribution to the management of urban risks in Pinar del Río city using a 3D geological-geotechnical model. Minería & Geología, 33(4), 429–447. Retrieved from

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