Appraisal of rice husk usage as a heat insulating material in casting steel parts


  • Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez Planta Mecánica de Santa Clara.
  • Jesús E. González-Ruiz Universidad de La Habana
  • Lorenzo Perdomo-González Universidad Central de Las Villas


heat insulating sleeve, cover powder, rice husk, cast steel, clean productions.


The present work aims to expose the positive effect of using rice husk, generated during the rice husk processing without previous preparation processes, as an auxiliary heat-insulating material in casting steel parts at the company Planta Mecánica from Santa Clara city. Its use is justified by good performance and easy handling during the steel parts production process and by being innocuous for workers’ health and the environment. The results show that using rice husk cap-powder combinations in foundry increases metal efficiency to 83% on average, increasing energy efficiency and decreasing raw material consumption. It has a positive environmental impact by taking advantage of an agro-industrial waste, reducing pollution and contributing to the saving of non-renewable natural resources.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Cruz-Pérez, Planta Mecánica de Santa Clara.

Centro de Biomateriales


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How to Cite

Cruz-Pérez, J. C., González-Ruiz, J. E., & Perdomo-González, L. (2020). Appraisal of rice husk usage as a heat insulating material in casting steel parts. Minería & Geología, 36(4), 465–482. Retrieved from



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