
  • Yanet Susel Barzaga Galano Universidad de Moa
  • Odalys Tamara Fernández Azahares Universidad de Moa
  • Arlenys Carbonell Pupo Universidad de Moa
  • Eider Sánchez Oliveros Universidad de Moa
  • Yosbanis Cervantes Guerra Universidad de Moa


quality management, postgraduate education, sustainable development


This study was conducted to analyze the quality management in postgraduate education in Cuba and its relationship with the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Various methods such as historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, and document review were employed. International approaches and models of quality management in postgraduate education were examined, adapting their application to the Cuban context. The need to implement quality strategies in postgraduate education in Cuba was emphasized, highlighting the benefits of incorporating these aspects into the country's academic programs. Furthermore, the essential role of teachers in quality management was addressed, emphasizing the importance of their continuous training and development. The study presented specific conclusions and recommendations for Cuba, emphasizing the importance of adequate strategic planning, improvement of quality assurance systems, and efficient collaboration between academic and governmental institutions. These measures will contribute to strengthening the quality management in postgraduate education and its impact on sustainable development in Cuba.


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How to Cite

Barzaga Galano, Y. S., Fernández Azahares, O. T., Carbonell Pupo, A., Sánchez Oliveros, E., & Cervantes Guerra, Y. (2023). QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION IN CUBA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Revista De Innovación Social Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 267–281. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/indes/article/view/2444


